As we are with film reviews, here is a "behind the camera" trailer of Divergent. Listen carefully and try to understand what they say. To do so, you should watch the video a few times.
Puesto que estamos con críticas de cine, aquí tenemos un tráiler "Detrás de las cámaras" de "Divergente". Para ello, deberíais ver el vídeo varias veces.
To help you review the grammar we've seen this term for next exams, here are some videos that may be useful. It's a bit long, perhaps, but you have all the week, until Friday to watch them and, at the same time, practice listening and pronunciation:
Our weekly episode of phrasal verbs series, Lesson 6.
come up with (hacer) - take through (explicar) - fit in (hacer un hueco) - go over (revisar) - set up (concertar, organizar) - look up (buscar) - see to (ocuparse de) - work out (calcular)- figure out (entender, imaginar)- be tied up (estar muy ocupado) - deal with (tratar, resolver)
Another interesting video with good advice on how to write a good article for next week project.
This week your essay is "Reality shows: some people love them and others hate them. What about you?" Here is a video that review the history of this kind of program.