Saturday 9 May 2015

Weekly Links 4º ESO —80


A clip to review this week grammar topic, wish: Cassadee Pope - I Wish I Could Break Your Heart

But first, here is a chart summing up the different structures with 'wish / if only'

I wish / if only I
My brother
had + Past Participle Regret that something happened or didn't happen in the past. I wish / If only Jim had called me.
Simple past To say that we would like something to be different in the present. I wish / If only Jim called me.
would + bare infinitive • To say that we would like something to be different in the future.

• To say that we would like something to be different in a situation or a person's behaviour that is annoying us.
• I wish / If only Jim would call me next week.

• I wish / If only Jim would stop calling me at unearthly hours.

Have a nice weekend.

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